Wednesday 29 September 2010

Wild Night.

Today i woke up not feeling like P.Diddy but surrounded by my own bodily fluids fearing for my life. The night started well, had a bevvies with a mate, she tossed me off but half way through i realised how kind weird it was and then i walked her home. After i got back i went to a house party which i couldn't find for like an hour, i think i ended up in Cheedle i walked aimlessly for just miles until i got a call from my friends there who told me where to go. So then mid party i get talking to this reallllly nice girl and we really hit it off, long story short i dont remember much what happened after but i got confronted by her boyfriend saying he wanted to kill me and all this shit because id kissed his girlfriend and i made her cry and all this bull shit, which to be fair could have happened...but im missing a bit from last night, mainly that part. Anyway, we sorted it all out and i walked again for what seemed like hours not knowing where i was, but finally made it home in one piece.
What i need to do is stop getting myself into so much trouble and invest in a map.

This has nothing to do with art.


Tuesday 28 September 2010



So basically what Im doing here is resurrecting an old blog i did last year for Interactive Arts and applying it to my new course, Fine Art. I found it was a helpful way to put my ideas across and just talk shit basically.

The new course has got off to a good start...from what i remember as the first 2 times i went in i was still blind drunk from the night before thus spent the most of this afternoon not knowing where the hell i was or where anything else was. But i've got the hang of it now, i know where things are and where some people sit etc which is always a bonus. The work im starting doing involves the continuation of the line and how seemingly in art the line is ignored in terms of never wanting to put a thick definite line around things like drawings as obviously in nature and in life, things do not have thick black outlines around everything. So im going to work on a large scale looking into the continuation of lines in certain circumstances, such as an old pencil, how long will a continuos line run between sharpenings and the same with paint using different bristle loading techniques.

Thats all i can be arsed with atm, just need to get my act together and get working soon.

Boom xxx<3